
Art by Karina Kay “My work explores how visual art can act as a visual distraction from pain”

We want to be who we are. We want to be our authentic selves.  Who owns the definition of 'authenticity' can get tangled up in the pressures that bear down on us consciously or unconsciously. We want to sound like 'ourselves'.  Some people, particularly my trans and non-binary clients, are on a journey from a very known and familiar place to an unknown and unfamiliar place (Michael White).  Many trans and non-binary people want to expand their voices out to sound more feminine, more masculine, or be fluid and expansive in any direction. They want to express their voices to reflect their internal world.  They may struggle with the stereotypes of what a woman or man should sound like and judge themselves harshly on this, or feel fear or shame. Others are very accepting of their voice and are not afraid to communicate with whatever their voice sounds like.  The dysphoria regarding the voice can be intense and create discomfort.

I support my clients move towards a more comfortable place in themselves about how they sound and feel with their voice and communication. Together we explore and challenge heterocisnormative values which can be critical and a block to authenticity.

The aim is to guide my clients to feel compassion towards their voices, to go on a journey of discovery and find their authentic voice. This is what true freedom to express oneself from the inside out is all about.


Emotions and the Voice

